My Response to Popular Wellness Myths

We are constantly bombarded by an overwhelming amount of false information. As a 30-year veteran of the fitness industry, I have seen some pretty silly stuff sold with over-the-top marketing. From spot reducing to fad-diets, it is hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. Finally, we have an article written by Amanda Vogel, MA and […]

Survive and Thrive Through the Holidays with Willpower

For many, the holiday season can be incredibly stressful. This stress causes the neurotransmitters in the brain go into overdrive from the ever present stimulus of food, shopping, and parties. But, you can survive and thrive through the holidays with willpower. Inside the central nervous system, dopamine functions primarily as a local chemical messaging system. […]

Skip the Coffee and Grab a Tennis Ball

Skip the Coffee and Grab a Tennis Ball If you are feeling tired or just need a quick stimulus, skip the coffee and grab a tennis ball! Rolling a tennis ball under your feet is a quick and simple manner to revitalize your system that you can do at your desk or at home.  Begin by […]